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[別名]Copper Mirror
[対象楽器]五世 荒木 古童 - 尺八

発祥 (六世荒木古童):

From Araki Kodō VI: " My father's original title for this piece was Hankyō [...]. The piece was still evolving, and with the passing of his mother, he changed the title to Dōkyō."

銅鏡 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Hankyō 反響 尺八 : 六世荒木古童
"My father's original title for this piece was Hankyō, which I have taken for the title of the album. The piece was still evolving, and with the passing of his mother, he changed the title to Dōkyō."