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Concerto Requiem

[対象楽器]三木 稔 - 箏

Concerto Requiem は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Minoru Miki Selected Works II 箏 : 野坂 惠子
Miki is not concerned with any particular form of religion, but this piece investigates the connection between music and religion. It is a prayer for the repose of the dead, and for the consolation of the living; and it is the living who are confronted with the fact of death.
An ordinary stone becomes a percussion instrument: it mediates between the earth, to which we all return when we die, and the instrumental ensemble which is part of our sophisticated culture. Miki considers this to be one of his most important works, in spite of its extreme simplicity. The austerity conveys Miki's disquiet at the twisted complexity of modern civilization. This work was composed in 1981, and first performed by Keiko Nosaka and Pro Musica Nipponia (Nihon Ongaku Shudan, conducted by Takuo Tamura). They performed this concerto Requiem in London, Rome, Milano, Leipzig, Peking, Shanghai, etc. and also many Cities in Japan.