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[対象楽器]三木 稔 - 尺八 - 1976

巨火 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Minoru Miki Selected Works I 尺八 : 宮田 耕八朗
箏 : 野坂 惠子
箏 : 宮本幸子
三弦 : 杉浦 弘和
This 1976 composition by Minoru Miki represents the grandest work yet produced for Nihon Ongaku Shudan (The Nipponia), both in length and instrumentation. Four percussionists are surrounded on stage by sixteen - nineteen string and wind players, with the downstage-leftmost drummer serving as conductor. There are solo sections for twenty-string koto, percussion. The first part of the work aims to capture the feeling of the ceremonials surrounding ancestor worship, while the concluding part depicts a wild festival. In this concluding (third) section, the exciting drum rhythms of the festivals of the Chichibu region form the backdrop against which the other players must exert all of their physical and technical resources, now singly now in groups, to bring the flame to a full blaze.