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Dorian Dance


[対象楽器]クリストファー遙盟 - 尺八 - 1987

ドーリア風の舞 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonVoices from Afar - Voices From Within 尺八 : クリストファー遙盟
The Japanese scale known as the "ritsu" scale is close in nature to the Dorian mode, both of which are easily played on the shakuhachi. This piece contains much rubato; peaks and valleys of sound-intensity and rhythms. I had in mind a fanciful folk dance, performed with brilliantly colored costumes, beginning slowly and working into a steady rhythm. The middle section contains an improvisation in the Dorian mode between the shakuhachi and twenty-string koto.