トップ 人物 アルバム 文献 流派 用語集 リンク・イベント 先生 ISSに入会する ログイン

Tokyo Blues



NA は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Tokyosphere 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン
About six months before starting this recording I got an interesting telephone call. "Hello, my name is Erik Golub and I play and improvise on viola and violin I like your music and I'd like to meet you sometime" Turned out that we like a lot of the same kind of music and Erik even jammed with me and my regular jazz group at a club in Tokyo We thought it would be great to do a recording project together but I was already planning to use only traditional Japanese instruments for TOKYOSPHERE. That eliminated the viola and violin but Erik also has experience playing the Chinese erh-hu, a bowed fiddle similar to the Japanese kokyu Erik borrowed a kokyu from kind musicologist Yukitoshi Morishige, and a few months later was letting the blues licks fly I made a long 2.8 shakuhachi especially to record this piece.