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Kudan no Shirabe


[作曲様式]Dan mono


While Rokudan refers to the music of six steps, Kudan consists of 9 steps, composed sometime after Rokudan. Kudan, however, is regarded as one of the most important examples of the Ikuta School, and usually is played only by masters of that school.

九段の調 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Fukami Satomi - Sokyoku Jiuta Shu - 1 箏 : 深海さとみ

Kikuhara Hatsuko Zenshu vol. 7 箏 : 菊原 初子

Sōkyoku (Ikuta-Ryū) - Koten no Shirabe volume 10 箏 : 松尾恵子

Soul of the Koto, The
While Rokudan refers to the music of six steps, Kudan consists of 9 steps, composed sometime after Rokudan. Kudan, however, is regarded as one of the most important examples of the Ikuta School, and usually is played only by masters of that school.