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Ataka no Matsu


[別名]The Pines at Ataka

発祥 (宮田 耕八朗):

This lovely popular tune was adapted by Fujita for the nagauta dance version heard here. Ordinarily, a vocalist
is featured, but for this recording his part has been omitted in order to spotlight the delicate relationship between flute and shamisen-particularly appropriate, since the text of the song describes how the flute serves as an expressive outlet for a lonely lover.

安宅の松 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Ensemble Nipponia - Kabuki and other Traditional Music
This lovely popular tune was adapted by Fujita for the nagauta dance version heard here. Ordinarily, a vocalist is featured, but for this recording his part has been omitted in order to spotlight the delicate relationship between flute and shamisen-particularly appropriate, since the text of the song describes how the flute serves as an expressive outlet for a lonely lover.