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Tsuru no Sugomori (Futaiken)

鶴の巣籠 (布袋軒)

[流派]Oshu Kei

鶴の巣籠 (布袋軒) は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Flare Up 尺八 : 如楽
This version of Tsuru no Sugomori ("Life of the Cranes"), is from the Futai-Ken line. Performing techniques unique to the shakuhachi are heard to depict the lives of cranes: their love calls, wing flutters, cries and the fledgling's first flight. There is extensive use of tamane, a fluttertongue technique. Symbolically the piece represents the Buddhist principle of love between family members and is meant for spiritual cultivation.

Take o Fuku 尺八 : 酒井 松道