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Mountain Hermit's Secret Wisdom

Mountain Hermit's Secret Wisdom

"Bass Zen bamboo flutes recorded in a cave. Shakuhachi flute. Contemplative nature music inspired by Zen and Taoist philosophy, breath cultivation and the texture of the living moment. Disc includes files of notation, photos, artwork, and extended notes."

Zeroth Law

トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1 Ekoh 回向 06'29 尺八: 深禅
2 Sleeping Dragon 07'43 尺八: 深禅
3 Banshiki (Don't know which version) 盤渉 08'27 尺八: 深禅
4 In Which the Sound Comtemplates You... 04'59 尺八: 深禅
5 Shingetsu 心月 06'57 尺八: 深禅
6 Darani 陀羅尼 09'56 尺八: 深禅
7 Shunyata (Boots) 08'04 尺八: 深禅