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Misty - Japanese Magic Flute

Misty - Japanese Magic Flute

"This recording of solo shakuhachi music represents a dimension of improvisation, not only for shakuhachi but for all flute music as well. While the sound and essence of the music dwell within the traditional realm of shakuhachi music, string currents of other music contribute to from the whole : the hopeful contentment of the Japanese folksong, the elegant clarity and balance of Classical music embraced by rhythms both familiar and new. All of these diverse elements combine gracefully to form a truly new shakuhachi sound."

Chiku-Shin Sound Studio - KGA-903

トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1  Play Button Improvisation 03'25 尺八: 古賀将之
2  Play Button Improvisation 03'30 尺八: 古賀将之
3  Play Button Improvisation 03'48 尺八: 古賀将之
4  Play Button Improvisation 06'02 尺八: 古賀将之
5  Play Button Improvisation 02'08 尺八: 古賀将之
6  Play Button Improvisation 04'05 尺八: 古賀将之
7  Play Button Improvisation 03'09 尺八: 古賀将之
8  Play Button Improvisation 02'23 尺八: 古賀将之
9  Play Button Improvisation 02'00 尺八: 古賀将之
10  Play Button Improvisation 03'30 尺八: 古賀将之
11  Play Button Improvisation 05'00 尺八: 古賀将之