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[Founded] Muraji Kyodō - circa 1930

History (Fujita Shun'ichi)

The Muraji-ryū grew from Ueda-ryū master Muraji Kyodō, who began teaching in 1930. It's unclear when he began using the term Muraji-ryū to describe his style, but by the early 1970s there were still several dozens of players in the Kansai region who identified themselves specifically that way.

Associated People
Fujie Kogai
藤江 虚涯
Gotō Yūgetsu
後藤 幽月
Hirao Koyū
平尾 虚幽
Ichiba Kyohaku
市場 虚白
Kinoshita Toichi
木下 登一
Kubota Kyosō
久保田 虚想
Minami Kyozan
南 巨山
Mishima Kyokō
三島 虚江
Muraji Kokan
村治 虚厳
Muraji Kyodō
村治 虚憧
Muraji Kyoyō
村治 虚曜
Muraji Kōdō
村治 孝憧
Nakagawa Kokei
中川 虚渓
Nakajima Koshū
中島 虚舟
Noguchi Todō
野口 登童
Shirakami Tokō
白神 登康
Sugimura Tokō
杉村 登岬
Tamura Koshi
田村 虚之
Yamamoto Kyochū
山本 虚中
Yamamoto Tosui
山本 登酔
Yoshida Hakushū
吉田 白秋