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Kikuhara Kotoji

菊原 琴治

Kikuhara Kotoji
12/25/1878 - 3/25/1944

Shamisen & Koto

Born in Osaka in 1878, original name Nunohara Tokutaro. Lost his sight at the age of four. He was adopted by Kikuue Akiko and Kikuue Toshikazu, second-generation in the Kikuhara school. Also studied with Kikunaka Shigekazu, who taught him all the Nogawa-style shamisen kumiuta. He served as a teacher at the Osaka Municipal Blind School and the head of the Todo Ongakukai. He also conducted a petition campaign to establish a girls' school koto department in the Ministry of Education, and served as the first principal of the koto music school for the purpose of training its teachers . In his later years, he focused on preserving, recording, and popularizing the shamisen kumiuta. His daughter was Kikuhara Hatsuko, who became a Living National Treasure.

También Conocido Como 布原徳太郎 (Nunohara Tokutaro)

Pistas Grabadas

Hien no Kyoku 飛燕の曲 Kikuhara Hatsuko Zenshu vol. 22 Koto
Ryūkyū Gumi 琉球組 11'21 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 01 Shamisen
Ryūkyū Gumi 琉球組 11'21 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 01 Voz

Compuesto o Arreglado

Koto Obras
Título Kanji Año Título Alternativo
Gin Sekai 銀世界

Kumo no Mine 雲の峰

Monaka no Tsuki 最中の月

Shū Fū no Ji 秋風の辞

Tsumi Kusa 摘草

Plucked Grass