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Tomobuchi Norie

友渕 のりえ

Shamisen & Singer

Winner of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Art Encouragement Prize and the Medal with Purple Ribbon.

Also Known As 友渕 雅扇 (Tomobuchi Gasen)

Tracks Recorded

Pieces KanjiLengthAlbumInstrument
Aki no Kyoku 秋の曲 17'36 Fukami Satomi - Sokyoku Jiuta Shu - 2 Koto
Play Button Maboroshi no Kuni まぼろしの国 11'36 Challenging Eternity Disk 05 Koto
Tsumi Kusa 摘草 13'52 Koto - Koten/Gendai Meikyoku Shū 07 Voice