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[別名]The Sea
[対象楽器]吉田 晴風 - 尺八 - 1932

海 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Koto Music of Japan - Music for Japanese Instruments 箏 : 山口 永子
箏 : 吉田恭子
尺八 : 佐々木操風
(The Sea)
In the early autumn of 1931, the composer went to the United States to give recitals of Japanese music and dance, but after the tour, in March, 1932, he fill ill in Los Angeles. Before his recover, as he lay at death's door, the turbulent vicissitudes of life seemed to him like a great ocean, and it is this impression that he has attempted to convey in this composition.
Play ButtonMurezuru 尺八 : 海童 道祖 老師

Yoshida Seifu Collection of Famous Performances volume 3 箏 : 吉田恭子
尺八 : 吉田 晴風