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Irimoosu, shinshoku no de-iri

[別名]Procession music during the arrival and departure of the shintoo clergy

Irimoosu, shinshoku no de-iri は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonMusical Anthology of the Orient, Unesco Collection Vol 5
IRIMOSU, shinshoku no de-iri, "Procession music during the arrival and departure of the higher clergy". The musicians follow the procession of the priests. Just as in Corpus Christi processions the music is interrupted from time to time.

SHINNO, "Divine art", is played daily during the service, when branches of the sakaki-tree are offered to the god. There is no dance.

SUZUKA, a sato-kagura or village folkdance performed by the villagers before the shrine, without participation of the clergy. The instruments used in these three performances are yoko-bue, kagura-bue, naga-daiko and shime-daiko.

Recorded at the Great Izumo shrine on August 1, 1957