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Shakuhachi Shijusokyoku Dai Ichiban

尺八四重奏曲 第一番

[También Conocido Como]Shakuhachi quartet no.1
[Compuesto]Yamamoto Hōzan - Shakuhachi

Shakuhachi Shijusokyoku Dai Ichiban aparece en los siguientes álbumes

Álbum Artista
Play ButtonTen-I - 1 Works by Yamamoto Hozan Shakuhachi : Kitahara Kōzan II
Shakuhachi : Ikeda Seizan II
Shakuhachi : Yokoyama Katsuya
Shakuhachi : Yamamoto Hōzan
This quartet was composed for three small-sized Shakuhachi, about one foot and six inches long, and one large-sized Shakuhachi, about two feet and one inch long, in concise style.