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Goro Tokimune


[別名]The Tale of Goro Tokimune
[対象楽器]三弦 - 1841

発祥 (William P Malm):

Composer: Kineya Rokuzaemon X

The plot is derived from the popular Soga story about two brothers who, in 1193, attempted vengeance for the death of their father. One brother was killed and Goro was condemned to suicide.
The piece is commonly used for early shamisen lessons, and so it is well known.


Well, Goro Tokimune of the Soga family harbors an implacable will
to strike down his father's killer.
With unflagging boldness of spirit, his heart is springing,
as though the spring shower has come soaking,
to Kewaizaka in the licensed quarters.
He comes to see Shosho, whose name is known far and wide.

On rainy nights or snowy days, still he comes to meet her at Oiso.

He is easily ensnared by the affairs of the quarters.
A letter comes from someone else: false tidings on the leg of a goose.
He writes a rude reply.
Taken in, in spite of himself, by the elegant coquetry and the fickle rice wine,
he lies drunk, mooning beneath the evening moon.
Will it clear or is it better clouded over?
Anyway, it's always foggy in the spring.

Hey! What am I doing? I've got to clear this thing up soon - avenge my father!
The winds of eighteen years ago blow once again,
strengthening his determination not to let the enemy escape.
Dauntless and blood-lusting, he cuts a manly and brave figure
with peonies and wing-spreading butterflies on his kimono.

The bush warbler sings self-indulgently in the mountain thicket,
envying the plum tree in the garden.
Gently the spring breeze spreads rumors of love.
Along the earthen dikes, the violet and the knotweed are together drenched
by the sympathetic dew.
A true meeting of love and affection in gay Nakanocho. All is well.

For his matchless deed of filial piety, he will be praised with awe,
like a god in man's form, until the end of time.
This year, too, in flowery Asakusa in Edo. (Tokyo)

We bring out the god's image and honor him merrily.

五郎時致 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

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