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No Walls


[対象楽器]ジョン・海山・ネプチューン - 尺八

ノー・ウォールズ は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonSky Spirit 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン
There are a few reasans for this title: while building a dome house in the countryside of Japan, I had to decide one day between working on the house--building a wall--or composing": I chose to work on the composition. This piece is based on an interesting Indian scale that can sound Indian, Japanese, Western, or bluesy depending on what
note is the fundamental and which notes are left out: the walls between different kinds of music are sometimes not so high. Finally, at the time this tune was written, the Berlin Wall was coming down.