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Spring Breeze



発祥 (ジョン・海山・ネプチューン):

Many traditional Japanese compositions feature themes of the seasons. Here, Neptune plays the shorter 1.6 shakuhachi, which has a slightly different, "prettier" tone color than standard 1.8 to enhance the springtime theme. As in 'Soul of the Deep', Neptune uses the two different Japanese five-tone scales, supported by the lovely sounds of the 13-string koto.

NA は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Circle, The 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン
Many traditional Japanese compositions feature themes of the seasons. Here, Neptune plays the shorter 1.6 shakuhachi, which has a slightly different, "prettier" tone color than standard 1.8 to enhance the springtime theme. As in 'Soul of the Deep', Neptune uses the two different Japanese five-tone scales, supported by the lovely sounds of the 13-string koto.