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[対象楽器]三木 稔 - 箏

発祥 (宮田 耕八朗):

The Greening

This contemporary composition features a 20-string koto - a modern version of the traditional 13-string koto-developed in 1969 by the composer in collaboration with Keiko Nosaka. The piece is the fifth in Miki's Ballades for Koto Solo, Vol. II. a cycle that depicts the various phases of the spring. Hanayagi describes the period when spring passes into summer - when the trees and plants approach the height of their vitality.

華やぎ は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Ensemble Nipponia - Kabuki and other Traditional Music
The Greening

This contemporary composition features a 20-string koto - a modern version of the traditional 13-string koto-developed in 1969 by the composer in collaboration with Keiko Nosaka. The piece is the fifth in Miki's Ballades for Koto Solo, Vol. II. a cycle that depicts the various phases of the spring. Hanayagi describes the period when spring passes into summer - when the trees and plants approach the height of their vitality.
Play ButtonKoto - Keiko Nosaka 箏 : 野坂 惠子

Minoru Miki Selected Works II 箏 : 野坂 惠子
This piece was originally the fifth selection in Ballades for Koto solo, vol. II, composed in 1976 for Keiko Nosaka. A dynamic piece, it signs of the beauty of the plants and trees as spring yields to summer. In 1978 a prelude has been added. This piece is the most popular solo piece for twenty-string Koto, and each soloist of this instrument plays the Greening frequently in the world.