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Goshoraku は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonGagaku - The Imperial Court Music of Japan
The tide refers co the five principles of Confucianism. Composed in the early Seventh Century, it became a highly venerated composition. in contrast co the basic construction of Gagaku pieces, this composition is in four movements. The first movement, called Jo (introduction), is the prelude. In the second movement, Ei (chant) the music becomes more melodic and the tempo faster. The third movement, Ha, meaning "breaking," is comparable co the scherzo movement in Western symphonic works. The last movement, kyu ( quick) is the rapid progression co the denouement in the finale of the piece. Large pieces in the gagaku repertoire usually follow the three-movement jo-ha-kyu form. Smaller compositions tend co have only a ha and kyu formation. The tones based on the Five Confucian principles are similar to e, f sharp, a, b, and c sharp and are called kyu, sho, kaku, chi, and u, The last movement is often performed as an independent piece in concerts.