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Marcus  Kirchner


Kirchner, Marcus 
生まれ 1968

尺八 & Maker

- born in Germany 1968
- 1992 first approach to Japan, studied Shakuhachi with Shiku Yano
- 2016 Seien-ryu, Shinpo-ryu
- 2017 Shakuhachi maker under the name Chikuma 竹真
- 2018 first pilgrimage tour to Japan
- 2020 organizes Shakuhachi retreats in Germany
- 2021 Shakuhachi retreats (combination of Shakuhachi and Zen meditation)
teaches online lessons, shakuhachi making workshops, harvest of Japanese madake bamboo, shakuhachi history research (Fudai-ji, Meian-ji temple (Katsura Shozan))

別名 Chikuma Yamatake