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Recordings featuring traditional Japanese instruments.

Album CoverCD TitelMedia TypeKünstlerPlattenfirmaKatalognummerDatumZusammenfassung
Moonlit Castle Moonlit Castle CD Singer, John Empty Bell Music JS-03 1990 An exciting fusion of Japanese and Western musical traditions, this non-edited acoustic performance blends the haunting qualities of John Singer's shakuhachi with the superb musicianship of Paul Hurst on the Concert Harp.
Naked Vision Naked Vision CD Singer, John Empty Bell Music JS-04 1991 Going beyond traditional musical and cultural boundaries, John Singer's Naked Vision is a collaboration of his Shakuhachi music with that of other master musicians including Zakir Hussain (tablas), R. Carlos Nakai (Native American flute), Aenea Keyes (violin), Todd Barton (composer, synthesizers), and others in a striking new world music recording.
Zen Shakuhachi Duets Zen Shakuhachi Duets CD Singer, John Empty Bell Music JS-05 1992 Master shakuhachi musicians John Singer and Mizuno Kohmei perform seven of the rare Kinko Ryu honkyoku duets. Most of these were created by their teacher, the Grand Master and Living National Treasure, Yamaguchi Goro. This is the only recording of its kind. The Compact Disc includes a special duet version of Sokaku Reibo (Nesting Cranes).

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