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田嶋 直士

トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1 Hon Shirabe 本調 05'16 尺八: 田嶋 直士
Serves as a renewal of the relationship between the bamboo and the performer.
2 Shirabe (Nezasa Ha) 調 (根笹) 02'55 尺八: 田嶋 直士
3 Sagari Ha (Nezasa Ha) 下り葉 (根笹) 03'49 尺八: 田嶋 直士
In falling, a leaf is momentarily floating free from all restraints, headed for rebirth as newly decomposed nutrients for the tree.
4 Shingetsu 心月 06'16 尺八: 田嶋 直士
It means both heart, mind, and spirit. The moon (getsu) is symbolic of enlightenment, perfection, and other worldliness. Title can be Spirit Perfection or Enlightenment of the Mind.
5 Daha 打波 05'12 尺八: 田嶋 直士
Known as Pounding Drum Piece the title conveys the incessant strivings involved in spiritual practice. The fast tempo and forceful breathing is said to indicate manifestations of the mind under strict discipline.
6 Yamagoe (aka Reiho) 鈴法 04'16 尺八: 田嶋 直士
The title may be interpreted as overcoming a difficult task in a less than perfect way. This piece is meant to encourage the overcoming of difficulties.
7 Tamuke 手向 05'33 尺八: 田嶋 直士
8 Kokû (Dokyoku) 虚空 13'37 尺八: 田嶋 直士