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Holy Flute

Holy Flute

"Hard rock and sacred nature music are brought together in the voice of the solo flute: the Japanese Zen shakuhachi. This bamboo flute is known for being evocative and provocative, ethereal, and very difficult to play. The breadth of its breath-powered musicality is brought to you in Holy Flute. This album combines the energy and structure of carefully chosen rock songs--originals and covers--with the inspiring, one-of-a-kind sounds of the shakuhachi. "


トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1 Blacken the Cursed Sun 03'14 尺八: 深禅
2 Heaven and Hell 05'01 尺八: 深禅
3 Purgatory 04'08 尺八: 深禅
4 Until You Call On the Dark 04'24 尺八: 深禅
5 Damaged Soul 03'57 尺八: 深禅
6 No Quarter 04'50 尺八: 深禅
7 Hymn to the She-Dragon of the Deep 04'52 尺八: 深禅
8 Devil Points, The 03'18 尺八: 深禅
9 Taste of Nothing 02'59 尺八: 深禅
10 Year of the Goat God of the Flute 02'08 尺八: 深禅
11 Generuslu 02'23 尺八: 深禅
12 Behind the Wall of Sleep 04'03 尺八: 深禅