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Best Take - Nanae Yoshimura

Best Take - Nanae Yoshimura

"Works by Minoru Miki
1 I.芽生え (A Young Sprout)
2 II.やよい (March)
3 III.ひばり (Skylark)
4 IV.里曲 (Around my country)
5 per-V.華やぎへの序 (Prelude for "the Greening")
6 V.華やぎ (The Greening)
筝譚詩集 第三集<夏> 二十絃筝のために (Ballades for Koto solo vol.3)
10 I.露一つ (A Dewdrop)
11 II.南へ (To the South)
12 III.サヌールの舞姫 (Dancing Girls in Sanur)
13 IV.白い風の下で (Under the White Wind)
14 V.雨ざんざん (A Squall)

Yoshimura Nanae
Victor - VZCG-139