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Nocturne for Koto and Shakuhachi

[対象楽器]関 一郎 - 尺八
関 一郎 - 箏

Nocturne for Koto and Shakuhachi は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Sounds from Japan 箏 : 羽賀幹子
尺八 : 横山 勝也
For me, the tone of the Koto is much like the pulse of life, and that of the Shakuhachi like the wind. In composing this music, I tried to present these two instruments not only as vehicles of melody and rhythm, but also as something to depict nature, while expressing our inner life through their sounds' dynamics and shade. Though employing the traditional Japanese mode, insempo (as compared to the Phrygian mode), I attempted to make some alterations to give it a more modern feeling. First performed with Koto and Shakuhachi played by Chieko Mori and myself in July 1985, the piece has since undergone some revision. (lchiro Seki)