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Tokumaru Jumei

徳丸 十盟

Tokumaru Jumei
生まれ 1949


Jumei Tokumaru was born in Tokyo and began studies of the shakuhachi with his father. In 1980, Tokumaru entered the shakuhachi faculty of Tokyo University of Music and the Fine Arts, studying under Goro Yamaguchi, Reibo Yamamoto, where he graduated with an MFa in 1987. Presently, Tokumaru teaches, performs, and records in Japan and throughout the world, including such countries as Spain, New Caledonia, Turkey, Tanzania, Ghana, South Africa, Sudan, Russia, and the U.S.




Chanoyu Ondo 茶湯音頭 13'32 Hozumi Tsurezure Volume 1 尺八