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Japanese Traditional Shakuhachi

Japanese Traditional Shakuhachi

横山 勝也

トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1  Play Button Sokkan 息観 05'33 尺八: 横山 勝也
Origin unknown. The title Sokkan might have some relationship with the Zen Buddhist concept of Seikan , the 'serene contemplation'. The player gets him self absorbed in each note in low register trying to 'see the truth with his mind's eye'.
2  Play Button Daha 打波 04'53 尺八: 横山 勝也
Origin unknown. Shirabe (melody) by a mendicant priest standing at a crossroads.
3  Play Button Hi Fu Mi Hachigaeshi no Shirabe (Kinko Ryū) 一二三鉢返の調 09'23 尺八: 横山 勝也
Kanto district origin. The first piece of the thirty-six Honkyoku melodies of the Kinko-school. Played while the priest was asking for alms.
4  Play Button Kokû (Dokyoku) 虚空 12'05 尺八: 横山 勝也
Tohoku district origin. Koku is a Buddhist concept described as "the eternal space where all lives and creatures are allowed to exist without any hindrance (the Kojien Dictionary)".
5  Play Button Sagari Ha (Nezasa Ha) 下り葉 (根笹) 04'26 尺八: 横山 勝也
From the repertoire of the Nezasa-school of Tsugaru district. Employs special effect of komibuki, which depicts a north wind blowing through a bamboo grove. This piece had been especially loved by the lords of the Tsugaru clan.
6  Play Button Hon Shirabe 本調 03'38 尺八: 横山 勝也
Hamamatsu district origin. Has a melody of pure simplicity and intuitive power.
7  Play Button San'ya (Dokyoku) 三谷 07'32 尺八: 横山 勝也
Chuukyoo district origin. Its title Sanya (three valleys) is believed to have derived from its melodic design with three climaxes each time dropping back to quieter music. Many different pieces of the same name exist.
8  Play Button San'an 産安 06'57 尺八: 横山 勝也
Niigata and its vicinity. A prayer for easy delivery of babies. This piece is also called "Jimbo-sanya" or "Ohshu-sanya" since the master player Masanosuke Jimbo (active in the last years of Tokugawa shogunate period) is believed to have transmitted the piece.
9  Play Button Yamagoe (aka Reiho) 鈴法 05'03 尺八: 横山 勝也
Kyushu district origin. Has an angular melodic line. Full of lively motion.
10  Play Button Tsuru no Sugomori (Dokyoku) 鶴の巣籠 07'32 尺八: 横山 勝也
Sendai district origin. Tsuru (crane) has been esteemed as a sacred bird. It is also a symbol of perfect mercy since parent crane protects its fledgling children at the risk of its life. Music opens with a picturesque image" of daybreak and gives a vivid description of flying crane.
11  Play Button San'ya (Yama-Tani) 山谷 10'26 尺八: 横山 勝也
Tohoku district origin. Among many other pieces titled Sanya, this is of the most tranquility and calm.
12  Play Button Azuma Jishi 吾妻獅子 02'39 尺八: 横山 勝也
One of the Gaikyoku (outside pieces) included in the Honkyoku repertoire along with another similar sample Kumoi jishi. Piece for consolation.
13  Play Button Tamuke 手向 04'44 尺八: 横山 勝也
Ise district origin. Combines the elements of requiem and elegy of the Western music.