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Take; Yamamoto Hozan Shakuhachi Sakuhin Shu - 2

Take; Yamamoto Hozan Shakuhachi Sakuhin Shu - 2

山本 邦山
RCA - JRZ-2549

トラック番号 タイトル 漢字 長さ アーティスト
1  Play Button Myouga 12'08 尺八: 横山 勝也
尺八: 山本 邦山
This piece features one's state of mind who has gained joy after experiencing worry and trouble for a long time. "Myouga" means blessing of God.
2  Play Button Kan Otsu 甲乙 11'00 尺八: 山本 邦山
This word is a sign showing high and low pitched tone in scores of Shakuhachi. "Kan" means high-pitched, and "Otsu" low-pitched.
3  Play Button Nikan no Fu 二管の譜 12'15 尺八: 宮田 耕八朗
尺八: 山本 邦山
This composition features contrast of knacks of two players with alternating free solo and crisp rhythm sections. So he entitled it "Music for two Shakuhachi", not "Due for two Shakuhachi".
4  Play Button Shōchi 生地 10'01 尺八: 横山 勝也
尺八: 山本 邦山
尺八: 二世 青木 鈴慕
This is a mystic composition featuring sprout of life in nature.