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Chôshi (Yamato)

調子 (大和)

[流派]Chikuho Ryû
[対象楽器]谷狂竹 - 尺八

調子 (大和) は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Art of the Shakuhachi Vol II 尺八 : 三橋 貴風
This piece was composed by Tani Kyochiku (1882-1950), a student of the Kyushu (Kumamoto prefecture) shakuhachi master Miyagawa Nyozan (1868-1946). Kyochiku was a professional shakuhachi-playing monk who toured not just Japan but also China and other countries. In 1930 he took his long 2.5-shaku (approx 75 cm.) instrument on tour to Hong Kong, Singapore, Sumatra, Burma, and India. At that time his passport identified his occupation merely as a "religious musician."

Kyochiku learned this piece as "Darani" from the Nara shakuhachi performer Murata Sen'o, but when ten years later he performed it for Murata, the latter exclaimed "That is a nice piece, what is it?" This comment, indicating that after ten years the piece had been completely altered, greatly disheartened Kyochiku. He then named what he played "Yamato-joshi" (literally, "melody from Yamato"). Yamato, another name for Nara, was the area in which he had once learned the original composition.

This brief piece features repeated short phrases. In recent years it has been commonly used as a prelude to the piece "Ajikan."

Fuke Shu Honkyoku; Kyotaku 尺八 : 西村 虚空

Hi Fu Mi 尺八 : Renkei Hashimoto
Tuning piece (Yamato version)
In the historical province Yamato numerous emperor (Tenno-) residencies existed, i.e., in capital cities, particularly Heijo-kyo (710-784), today Nara. Yamato is said to be Japan's original heartland.
Play ButtonHikyoku wo Saguru 尺八 : 長岡 篁道
Play ButtonIchion Jobutsu 尺八 : 松本虚山

Komuso - the Healing Art of Zen Shakuhachi 尺八 : Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin

Koten Shakuhachi Gaku Zen Shū - 3 尺八 : 竹内 史光
Play ButtonKyotaku 尺八 : 西村 虚空
A training song from the Yamato area. In this version, Yamato choshi is introduced by Kyo-choshi.

Meian Sōda 明暗双打 volume 4 尺八 : 坂口 鉄心
Play ButtonPathway 尺八 : Robert Herr
Many shakuhachi compositions are attributed to one's aspiration in searching - searching of self, truth, an answer to a question. Yamato Choshi (Yamato prelude) represents an introspection of our relationships with the world around us and a renewing of the soul which allows us to venture forth on the pathway of life. Yamato, the name of the ancient capital of Japan, refers to a beginning - the first steps in the search for enlightenment. The Zen tradition of shakuhachi holds that the shakuhachi plays you as much as you play the shakuhachi. This is a renewing of this relationship between the bamboo and the person, This piece serves as a short prelude or warm-up to a larger honkyoku.
Play ButtonPrayer for the Missing, A 尺八 : Bob Seigetsu Avstreih

Searching - Yearning for the Bell Volume 7 尺八 : 皇保
This version of Choshi is believed to have originated in the Yamato district of old Japan, what is now the Nara region, the site of the first capital of Japan, 13 centuries ago. Musically, Yamato Choshi differs greatly from the other Choshi pieces, but it functions in the same meditative and 'searching' way.
Play ButtonShakuhachi - Ryudo - 02 尺八 : 高橋 龍童
Play ButtonShakuhachi Koten Honkyoku Shusei - 2 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕

Shakuhachi Ma 尺八 : Todd Barton
Play ButtonTake no Shirabe; Fuke Shu Honkyoku 尺八 : Yes Yes

The Voice of Bamboo 尺八 : Steven Casano
尺八 : 泰然

Zen Music with Ancient Shakuhachi - Disc 2 尺八 : John Singer
(Alternate Introduction)